History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Wiki

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History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Wiki

The user paces the opponent's and memorizes their attack pattern in order for him to react before the opponent can. Ryūto uses this technique in his fights to make up for his myopia, while also using it in conjunction with his Gungnir in order to make it impossible for the Gungnir to miss its target. Kenichi is able to use this technique to the extent of being able to follow the fight between Akira Hongō and Shio Sakaki and read the shockwave orbits that surround the two of them.

There are two ways to use this technique by using Sei or Dou: Sei Users such as Kenichi Shirahama are able to calm their spirits and perceive movements. Dou Users such as Miu Fūrinji, on the other hand, are able to excite their spirits perceive movements.
