Isshinsai Ogata (緒方 一神斎 Ogata Isshinsai ) is the Ancient Martial Arts Master and Saint Fist of Yami's One Shadow, Nine Fists. He is the former master of Ryūto Asamiya and the second man introduced who walks down the Path of Asura, after Sōgetsu Ma.
Physical Appearance[]
Ogata is a tall man with long lilac gray hair down to his waist with a muscular build and a calm face. He is usually seen with a cloak on and bandages around his wrists. He wears a buckle belt around his waist and a small side pouch, which he uses to carry his items.
much Like Alexander Gaidar and Diego Carlo, he possesses a far angrier side under his calm and composed self, but with slightly more control, only getting angry when someone or something is looking for a fight or provokes him. Ogata appears to be a sociopath, able to, at a moment's notice, change his demeanor completely.
When he first met with Kenichi, he comes off as a kind man seeking atonement, whereas when he fights the bear, he shows his vicious nature, continuing to attack the bear even after it was already dead. Although he is ruthless and sneaky, it should be noted that he is immensely upfront about his intentions. He lets his disciple know what his intentions are and even Lugh is perfectly fine with the fact that he is being used as an experiment for new martial arts techniques that can be dangerous. Although Ogata warns his disciples about dangerous techniques. He still wants his disciples use the techniques, but he never forces them.
However, despite Ogata's lack of morality towards human life, he has shown to have some sense of moral code. He despises people who needlessly kill without any sense of honor, and he is also shown to despise people who take advantage of those who cannot fight back. This is shown when he saves a young Natsu Tanimoto from the company members that tried to kill him, and when he berates said company people for bullying Natsu even though he couldn't fight back. When Mayu Tanaka attempted to kill him to avenge her father, Ogata did try to persuade her to not fight stating he doesn't want to kill such a young person, but would go all out should she continue, to which he killed her. Once he discovered she was pregnant at the time, Ogata seemingly regretted killing her, and this is heavily implied to be the reason that he originally isolated himself to seek atonement in the mountains where he meets Kenichi. This was shown again when fighting Kenichi, stating he didn't want to kill him, but would, should he continue. He seems to choose to go all out when his opponents respond at full strength as a sign of respect.
Although he is a Satsujinken, Ogata has a martial arts code. He believes everyone is equal in the world of martial arts, but he will only kill a person if they are attacking him with killing intent. Likewise, he himself encourages his own disciples to one day surpass and kill him, showing that he even views his own life as a steppingstone to advancing martial arts. Odin noted that when facing multiple opponents, Ogata will attack the first fighter who assumes a defensive stance. Ogata does, however, have one reoccurring pattern: if he stops to praise his opponent, he will leave himself open for a short period of time.
Despite his cruelty in battle, Ogata has a genuine love and appreciation for martial arts. He believes that martial arts should be pure and that one should not bring their emotions or grudges into their fights. His respect for martial arts is so pure that he stated that he would gladly be criticized for killing someone and even let them call him a "Murderer." Even Kenichi stated that he could not completely hate someone whose love for martial arts was so sincere. This sentiment was also shared earlier by Takeda who says that he is much like his master James Shiba who also has sincere love for boxing.
Ryūto respects him much like the other YOMI members with their masters. However, Ogata seems to have a two-sided relation with his disciple; he trains Ryūto with several extremely high-level techniques, but also uses him as a test subject for his untested techniques like the Seidō Gōitsu without caring for his well-being.
He seems to get along with the other Yami members despite being a new member, most likely for his high strength and skill as a martial artist. However, he seems to be rather cautious around Mikumo due to her being much stronger and even commented on how terrifying she is from her ki.
Ogata seems to harbour a strong animosity towards the Katsujinken, claiming it to be weak and those who follow it are soft in battle due to their refusal to kill their opponents and that their feelings hold them back and claim it makes them hard to deal with. It is this attitude that seems to have made him leave Ryōzanpaku, having such strong killing intent.
Ryūto noted that Ogata has one weakness in his skills: his pride. As noted by Ryūto, Ogata will not hesitate to praise disciples, whether they be his own or another master's. when Ogata is too busy praising Kenichi's managing to touch his face to notice Ryūto charging into attack.
Despite be a follower of the Satsujinken, and a very vicious fighter, Ogata has been shown to have a very merciful side to him and has been shown to actually display that mercy even to his disciples. This was shown when he picks up Lugh when leaving with Berserker and allows Ryuto to stay with Rimi and not return with him back to Yami. It was revealed that before Rimi died from the overuse of the Seidō Gōitsu, he stopped Rimi's Ki flow and deactivated it before it killed her. He even took a look at Ryūto, apparently disappointed but still did not try to stop or kill him for his decision to betray his master, showing that even though he is a Satsujinken, he is willing to allow his targets to live.
One of the most admirable sides of Ogata is him respecting other people path they choose in life. After saving the young Natsu Tanimoto, he encouraged said boy to learn martial arts not for the sake of becoming a Satsujinken, but for the sake of becoming a leader and earning respect so that his life would never be in danger again. In the mountain when he first met Kenichi, he encouraged Kenichi to walk his own path in life and to follow his heart as opposed to trying to get Kenichi to become an Satsujinken. In the epilogue, once he found out that Lugh and Berserker went up against Yami armed division, instead of getting mad, he complimented them for their decision despite the fact that Ogata and Kushinada were the only OSNF masters who did not switch sides and were fighting alongside the Yami armed division. He is willing to praise his last two disciples about going against his orders for not killing the members of Shinpaku Alliance.
While the newest member of the Yami, Isshinsai has clearly cemented himself as one of its greatest powers. Since a young age, Isshinsai showed great potential for the martial arts. His talents were great enough that Ryōzanpaku originally considered him to be its sole disciple. A truly fierce fighter, all known opponents to have faced him, have either ended up brutally killed or left seriously injured. One of his greatest (and more infamous feats) was his ability to defeat and kill Kai Midō and Mayu Tanaka, both master-level opponents in successive fights. He also recently defeated and killed Tsutomu Tanaka, another master of Tenchi Mushin Ryuu.
- Master Teacher: It has been noted that out of all of the One Shadow Nine Fists, Isshinsai is the most diligent one when it comes to training his disciples. Despite his lack of compassion, he has been noted by Hayato Fūrinji to be a remarkably skilled teacher, able to not only unlock large amounts of his students' potential skills in relatively short amounts of time, but also match his teaching methods to each disciples' individual skill sets. Examples include Odin, Berserker, Rimi and Lugh, who have all shown tremendous progress in their respective skills under his tutelage in spite of their wildly different combat styles. While a ruthless teacher, he does not shy from giving praise to his disciples for their growth as martial artists. However, he is also prone to use his students as test subjects in order to teach them powerful yet self-destructive techniques such as the Seidō Gōitsu.
- Immense Strength: Befitting his large build, Isshinsai has demonstrated remarkable strength. During his brief performances in battle, he was able to balance and support his entire weight horizontally on a pole and throw an Asian bear, both feats with a single hand. He was able to repel one of Miu's flying kicks, tossing her aside with great force and knocking her out in the process with one punch and minimal effort. He was also able to knock out Kenichi, a disciple whose key feature is endurance by striking him with one finger to the heart. He even managed to stop a two finger, point-blank strike from a Seidō Gōitsu-empowered Ryūto with his bare teeth showing massive jaw strength. Another testament to his strength was his ability to completely crush Tanaka's skull with an overhead elbow strike.
- Immense Physical Prowess: Through years of creating his own personal style, Ogata has physically conditioned himself in the ways of various different types of ancient styles and training exercises in order to better increase his prowess as a martial artist. Ogata possess incredible reflexes, being capable of blocking point-blank strikes at the very last second. He has also shown incredible flexibility and dexterity, able to extend one leg straight up while standing on his other and balance a full-grown man on his extended leg. His physical durability is immense, enough to take one of Tanaka's last techniques undamaged while Tanaka's hands were damaged in the impact. Ogata has great stamina, able to defeat and kill Kai Midō and later defeat and kill Mayu Tanaka, despite receiving further injuries.
- Immense Dual Ki: When worked up, Isshinsai can be seen emitting a powerful and intimidating aura. It is so powerful, that Kenichi was shocked to see the seemingly kind Isshinsai capable of such power. Takeda noted that despite his calm and friendly appearance is that of a terrifying aura underneath, and yet, he states he's someone you can't come to hate. He believes it's due to his genuine love for martial arts. Though possessing and specializing in the use of Dou Ki, he can also attain and use its counterpart, Sei Ki to an equally skilled degree, capable of using one of its most advanced techniques, the Seikūken. He is also one of the rare fighters that can combine both types of ki.
- Master Manipulator: Isshinsai is a very crafty and charismatic man, able to skillfully deceive allies and foes alike to suit his needs. His most common tactic is to take the appearance of a kind-hearted and generous man to win over their trust or use profound speeches on individuals with conflicted emotions. He is also good at using other's feelings against him to his advantage, having used Tanaka's desire to avenge his master to kill him causing Tanaka to lose his calmness.
- Master Mixed Martial Artist: Isshinsai is a master of his own modified style of multiple Ancient Martial Arts, as such he is a very versatile fighter and a master of mixed martial arts. Isshinsai's fighting style comes from extensive research and training into various other styles that are considered ancient and practically extinct before modifying them into his own personally made Ogata-Style. Through his years and journey to passionately improve his prowess as a martial artist, Isshinsai has accumulated a vast amount of knowledge if not skill in various styles. During his short time at Ryōzanpaku, Isshinsai learned much from the masters' various different combat forms, including at least one of the Elder's personal techniques. He also learned techniques of the Tenchi Mushin Ryū, though his degree of skill on this style is unknown. Isshinsai has also spent much time in not only developing his own original techniques, but has put much effort into teaching them to his various students with different combat styles to use them as test subjects to further refine the said techniques. His skill in martial arts is such that he can avoid an enemy's strikes, while purposely mimicking their blows and attack power all with great ease. Ryūto gave a bit on insight into his master's fighting style, noting that he would typically strike at the first person to assume a defensive stance and that the greatest opening to attack him is when he is praising his opponent.